Show-off price, or is it worth buying a new car?


The content of the article:

  • Myths and reality
  • Benefits of new cars
  • Disadvantages of buying a new car
  • New car: show-off or necessity?

“I took a wheelbarrow from scratch, only from the salon” - magic words that extol the owners of brand new cars in the eyes of friends and relatives. And how this phrase flatters vanity ...

And if you drop all conventions and really look at things? Is the "unbroken" car that recently rolled off the assembly line so good? In fact, this question is in the category of "rhetorical", since there is no exact answer to it. New cars, like used ones, have a huge number of both admirers and opponents.

Myths and reality

The main argument that a new car is better than a used one is that the old car is unsafe due to worn parts. In any case, adherents of buying cars in a car dealership think so.

If we turn to statistics, then accidents occurring due to vehicle malfunction - approximately 1% of the total number of all accidents. From this it follows that the used engine is not so terrible as it is painted. By the way, almost 25% of road accidents occurred due to the "obscene" state of the roads.

Another advantage that a new car has is the availability of a guarantee. But whether this is such a great advantage, no one really understands. What is the real situation with the guarantee?

The warranty period in most cases is 3 years. Some manufacturers and sellers focus on mileage. In such cases, the guarantee is given for the first 100,000 km. But it is given only for the body and large components such as the engine and gearbox.

Those who are at least a little versed in mechanics understand that these devices are large, but far from the only ones. Failure of smaller mechanisms can also lead to serious consequences. But manufacturers for some reason do not take this fact into account, and for some devices and devices they do not give guarantees at all. Before you pay your honestly earned money, you need to carefully study the warranty documentation to understand whether the game is worth the candle.

Another not very pleasant feature is that owners of new cars must undergo a technical inspection at a company service station... And this procedure, to be honest, is not cheap.

Benefits of new cars

Are there any more compelling arguments to buy a car from scratch? In fact, there are, and there are a lot of them:

  • Breakdowns of new cars are much less common than used ones... We are not talking about security here. And it goes about the technical facts of contacting auto repair shops and services. With proper operation and care, a new car can run for 1-2 years without the slightest damage.

    Of course, here it is worth considering the price category and the manufacturer. For those who do not like to take risks, there is a special rating compiled by reputable world experts. When drawing up, not only the initial technical condition is taken into account, but also the "vital activity" of the car throughout the entire period of operation.

  • As for the financial issue, there are two very significant advantages here.

    At first, banks trust official dealers more, and the likelihood of obtaining credit for the purchase of a new car is much higher than for a used one.

    And the second nuance is CASCO. Insurance companies prefer new vehicles... For cars over 7 years old, the rate is much higher than the rate for a new car.

  • The technical capabilities of new cars are much higher. And this is quite logical, because technologies do not stand still. And the car released in 2000 is significantly inferior to the one that rolled off the assembly line in 2017.
  • When buying a new vehicle in the salon, automatically the possibility of purchasing a "gray" or even "black" car is excluded... We are talking here about stolen cars.

    And it's not just the psychological side of the issue. If the fact that the purchased used car has been stolen is revealed, it will have to be returned to the owner. At the same time, the deceived buyer will not receive any compensation - he, the poor fellow, will have to hope for a miracle and wait until the thief is caught and he will pay him the cost of the car. But, as you know, miracles do not happen.

  • Used vehicle sellers are unlikely to reveal all the cards to new owners... In pursuit of the desire to quickly sell their car, they are hiding facts that can negatively affect the outcome of the transaction. For example, that the car has been in an accident or, worse, is a "drowned man".
  • When buying at a car dealership, you can customize the car for yourself. Choose a color, complement the complete set with the necessary equipment, pick up accessories.

Disadvantages of buying a new car

Oddly enough, but they really are, and for some they are quite weighty.

The first drawback of the new car is, of course, the price.Among the sellers of used vehicles, the phrase is popular: "I drove out of the gates of a car dealership, take off 20% of the price." Of course, everything is not so scary, but the fact remains. A car of the same model and configuration, according to statistics, loses 10-12% of its original cost per year. We are talking about cars in perfect condition, without breakdowns and the facts of accidents.

Everyone wants to eat, as they say, and car dealers are no exception. Every auto seller tries to do everything possible to get the most out of the deal. That is why they so persistently offer to issue a CASCO right in the salon. Although in fact, in most cases, this is not the best solution. By law, the buyer can take out insurance at any specialized company. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether a car is bought on credit or for cash.

All dealers unanimously say that maintenance and repair of the car should be carried out only in official services. Actually this is not true.

Replacement of consumables can be done in any car service. The main thing is to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of certain equipment. Then the car, as well as the warranty for it, will not suffer.

Another fact to consider is warranty is not given for all parts, and warranty replacement is made only if there is a defect... Damage caused by a violation of the operating rules, for example, off-road driving, is not a warranty case.

In cars that have been in operation for 1-2 years, all working units are "used" and work harmoniously. The same cannot be said about the new vehicle. Any car that comes off the assembly line needs a run-in. And just sit down and go "wherever they look" will not work.

There are a number of requirements for how a new car should be put into service:

  • the road must be flat, without ups and downs;
  • the presence of traffic lights, traffic jams and other factors that force multiple braking is not encouraged;
  • the use of gears from the first to the fourth, without "jumps";
  • the maximum permissible number of revolutions - 3000;
  • the maximum speed is 80 km / h.

Violation of the recommendations for running-in can lead to the fact that the engine will not deliver the power promised by the manufacturer.

Another disadvantage is discrepancy between what the potential buyer sees in the advertisement and what it actually is... For example, a person watches an advertisement and is happy to know that a new and such a coveted car can be purchased for 400 thousand rubles. He comes to a car dealership, and he is told that there is no car in this configuration, and he has two options - either wait 3, 4, or even 5 months, or pay extra and take a more "packed" car. Moreover, the surcharge can be either 10 or 70 thousand rubles.

Most often, the consumer does not want to wait long and believes that it is easier to pay extra and leave today in his own new car. In fact, in most cases, dealers are simply playing on customer confidence. According to "eyewitness testimony", the ordered car in the required configuration appears in the salon in 2-3 weeks.

New car: show-off or necessity?

This dispute has been waged by car owners for many years, and there is no consensus. In answering this question, it is necessary to take into account the factors that play a critical role in a particular situation.

The main advantage of used cars is the price, it is also the main disadvantage of a new car. Therefore, the decision on where to buy a vehicle - in a car dealership or in a "secondary housing", is made by each buyer independently, based on his needs and capabilities.
