What car brands do Ukrainians prefer?


Recently, the Association of Automobile Manufacturers of Ukraine announced the results of an internal study, as a result of which the most popular car brands among residents of Ukraine in March became known. Recently, the Association of Automobile Manufacturers of Ukraine announced the results of an internal study, as a result of which the most popular car brands among residents of Ukraine in March became known.

Thus, the first place was taken by the Japanese brand Toyota, which sold 592 cars in March. The second position was taken by the French carmaker Renault, whose representatives managed to sell 512 cars. The German brand Volkswagen closes the top three with an indicator of 277 cars.

Unexpectedly for the majority, the fourth position was occupied by the BMW brand, which sold 273 car ombels, which is only slightly less than Volkswagen. In addition, the top ten includes such companies as Ford (264 cars), KIA (250 cars), Nissan (248 cars), Hyundai (231 units) and Skoda (230 cars). Closes the top ten AvtoVAZ, which sold 224 cars. It is worth noting that, despite the rather difficult economic situation in the country, Ukrainians continue to actively purchase new cars.

Positive dynamics was also seen in domestic car manufacturers engaged in the production of passenger cars and utility vehicles. Thus, in comparison with February, 58% more cars were produced in March, with the greatest growth accounted for by the corporations "Europcar" and "AvtoKrAZ".
